Training Plans

Three of the top factors impacting adherence to fitness programs are time, convenience and motivation.

Training plans are created to allow you the flexibility to train when you can, wherever you are, and will also provide the benefits of being supported.  Workout plans will be provided through various platforms to accommodate your technology needs. Email, text, phone and Zoom will enable you to be in contact with your coach. 

A training plan provides you the flexibility to workout on your schedule with the benefits of having a coach who can support you, challenge you, and inspire you to attain your goals.


The Individualized Plan is one month of weekly plans designed specifically for you. Your coach will prescribe workouts each week in a platform that fits your needs. Whether you are aiming to set a PR in an upcoming race, doing your first triathlon or 5K, or just looking for some motivation and accountability, your workouts will be evaluated and tailored to help you reach your individual goals. The individualized Training Plan will be designed specifically for you.


Training plans are customizable based on individual needs, but will include: 

  • Initial set up meeting with coach.

  • Weekly check-ins

  • Possibility of discovering nearby athletes with similar goals 

  • Possibility of finding run, bike, swim, hike, ski, snowshoe, paddle board etc. training partners

  • A coach invested in your success